Waren, Preise, Locations und Händler, die Inhalte der Mods von Ars Gothica anbieten. Die Überschriften bezeichnen die Lokalisation dieser Items im Bauhammer über den Creative Mode. Die Talente dieser Mod sind blockiert. Spieler können diese Inhalte nur mit HDK-Goldtalern erwerben. Item ID's sind mit aufgeführt.
WARNUNG: Das Wiederaufnehemen der Placeables kann zur Zerstörung desselben beitragen. Ein Ersatz wird in diesem Falle nicht geleistet.
1 Leuchten
Ars Gothica - Flickering Dyeable Lights
| Menge | Preis |
Flickering Dyeable Ancient Brazier (78880218)
| 1 | 20 HDK Goldtaler
Flickering Dyeable Ancient Brazier (78880219) | 1 | 20 HDK Goldtaler |
Flickering Dyeable Bones Standing Torch (78880539) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
Flickering Dyeable Bracketed Torch (78880511) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
Flickering Dyeable Cimmerian Brazier (78880509) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
Flickering Dyeable Hanging Brazier (78880508) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
Flickering Dyeable Iron Brazier (78880534) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
Flickering Dyeable Protected Torch (78880502) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
Flickering Dyeable Standing Torch (78880501) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
Flickering Dyeable Stygian Brazier (78880744) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
Flickering DyeableStygian Brazier (78880750) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
Flickering Dyeable Tripod Brazier (78880503) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
Flickering Dyeable Wall Brazier (78880506) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
Monk (flickering flame) (78880515)
| 1 | 60 HDK Goldtaler |
2 Kerzenmacher
Ars Gothica - Flickering Dyeable Lights |
Kerzenmacher | Menge | Preis |
Medieval Chandelier I (flickering flame) (78880518) | 1 | 20 HDK Goldtaler |
Medieval Chandelier II (flickering flame) (78880519) | 1 | 20 HDK Goldtaler |
Medieval Hanging Chandelier (flickering flame) (78880516) | 1 | 20 HDK Goldtaler |
Medieval Torch (flickering flame) (78880517) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
Ossuary Brazier I (flickering flame) (78880505) | 1 | 20 HDK Goldtaler |
Ossuary Brazier II (flickering flame) (78880513) | 1 | 20 HDK Goldtaler |
Ossuary Brazier III (flickering flame) (78880514) | 1 | 20 HDK Goldtaler |
Ossuary Chandelier I (flickering flame) (78880521) | 1 | 20 HDK Goldtaler |
Ossuary Chandelier II (flickering flame) (78880522) | 1 | 20 HDK Goldtaler |
Ossuary Chandelier III (flickering flame) (78880523) | 1 | 20 HDK Goldtaler |
Ossuary Hanging Brazier (flickering flame) (78880510) | 1 | 30 HDK Goldtaler |
Ossuary Hanging Chandelier (flickering flame) (78880520) | 1 | 30 HDK Goldtaler |
Ossuary Torch (flickering flame) (78880512) | 1 | 15 HDK Goldtaler |
| Verkäufer/in: Hannah, die Kerzenmacherin, hat ihr Geschäft in Murun |
3 Bildhauer
Bildhauer | Menge | Preis |
Gargoyle Statue (799900404) | 1 | 20 HDK Goldtaler
Shadow Weaver Statue (799900400)
| 1 | 30 HDK Goldtaler |
4 Glockengießer
Glockengießer | Menge | Preis |
Twighlight Tower Bell (799900073)
| 1 | 80 HDK Goldtaler
5 Möbelmacher
Möbelmacher | Menge | Preis |
Ossuary Bookshelf (799900402)
| 1 | 40 HDK Goldtaler
Ossuary Bookshelf (Skulls only) (799900403) | 1 | 40 HDK Goldtaler |
Ossuary Pylon (799900401)
| 1 | 40 HDK Goldtaler |
6 Religion: Derketo
Ars Gothica - Cults Decor, Ars Gothica - Altars
Religion: Derketo
| Menge | Preis |
Derketo Banner (72283015)
| 1 | |
Derketo Banner Wall (72283016)
| 1 | |
Derketo Bed (72283020)
| 1 | |
Derketo Effigy (Wall) (72283014)
| 1 | |
Derketo Ostrich Statue (72283009)
| 1 | |
Derketo Panther Statue (Left) (72283003) | 1 | |
Derketo Panther Statue (Right) (72283002) | 1 | |
Derketo Panther Statue (Sitting) (72283004) | 1 | |
Derketo Statue (Left) (72283001) | 1 | |
Derketo Statue (Right) (72283019) | 1 | |
Derketo Statue (Wings) (72283005) | 1 | |
Lesser Altar of Derketo (72280949)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Derketo (Ostriches) (72280948)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Derketo (Panthers) (72280947) | 1 | |
7 Religion: Mitra
Ars Gothica - Cults Decor, Ars Gothica - Altars |
Religion: Mitra
| Menge | Preis |
Mithraic Banner (799900068)
| 1 | |
Mithraic Banner Wall (799900070)
| 1 | |
Mithraic Cross (799900069)
| 1 | |
Mithraic Cross Wall (799900072)
| 1 | |
Mitra Statue (72283008)
| 1 | |
Lesser Altar of Mitra (72280973)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Mitra (Wood) (72280974)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Mitra (Iron) (72280976) | 1 | |
High Altar of Mitra (Granite) (72280975) | 1 | |
High Altar of Mitra (Gold) (72280977) | 1 | |
8 Religion: Set
Ars Gothica - Cults Decor, Ars Gothica - Altars |
Religion: Set
| Menge | Preis |
Serpent (72283022)
| 1 | |
Serpent Pillar (72283021)
| 1 | |
Set Banner (72283017)
| 1 | |
Set Banner Wall (72283018)
| 1 | |
Lesser Altar of Set Snake (72280960)
| 1 | |
Lesser Altar of Set (72280953) | 1 | |
High Altar of Set Snake (Basalt) (72280958) | 1 | |
High Altar of Set Snake (Basalt-Big) (72280959) | 1 | |
High Altar of Set (White Marble) (72280955)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Set (Marble) (72280956) | 1 | |
High Altar of Set (Basalt) (72280954) | 1 | |
High Altar of Set (Basalt var.) (72280957) | 1 | |
9 Religion: Ymir
Ars Gothica - Cults Decor, Ars Gothica - Altars |
Religion: Ymir
| Menge | Preis |
Ymir Cold Fireplace (72283013)
| 1 | |
Ymir Effigy (Wall) (72283010)
| 1 | |
Ymir Monolith (72283012)
| 1 | |
Ymir Statue (72283011)
| 1 | |
Lesser Altar of Ymir (72280979)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Ymir (72280978)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Ymir (Statue) (72280980) | 1 | |
10 Religion: Zath
Ars Gothica - Cults Decor, Ars Gothica - Altars |
Religion: Zath
| Menge | Preis |
Zath Effigy (Wall) (72283025)
| 1 | |
Zaths Egg Nest (72283023)
| 1 | |
Zath Head (Wall) (72283026)
| 1 | |
Zath Spider (72283024)
| 1 | |
Lesser Altar of Zath (72280962)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Zath (72280982)
| 1 | |
11 Religion: Yog
Ars Gothica - Cults Decor, Ars Gothica - Altars |
Religion: Yog
| Menge | Preis |
Yog Effigy (Wall) (72283028)
| 1 | |
Lesser Altar of Yog (72280972)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Yog (72280963)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Yog (Big) (72280981) | 1 | |
12 Religion: Jhebbal Sag
Religion: Jhebbal Sag
| Menge | Preis |
Lesser Altar of Jhebbal Sag (72280951)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Jhebbal Sag (72280950) | 1 | |
13 Religion: Hathor
Ars Gothica - Cults Decor, Ars Gothica - Altars |
Religion: Hathor
| Menge | Preis |
Hathor Bull Statue (72283007)
| 1 | |
Hathor Statue (72283006)
| 1 | |
Lesser Altar of Hathor (72280952)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Hathor (72280961)
| 1 | |
14 Religion: Echidna
Ars Gothica - Cults Decor, Ars Gothica - Altars |
Religion: Echidna
| Menge | Preis |
Echidna Statue (72283027)
| 1 | |
Lesser Altar of Echidna (72280970)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Echidna (72280966) | 1 | |
15 Religion: Dagon
Ars Gothica - Cults Decor, Ars Gothica - Altars |
Religion: Dagon
| Menge | Preis |
Dagon Effigy (Wall) (72283029)
| 1 | |
Lesser Altar of Dagon (72280971)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Dagon (72280964) | 1 | |
16 Religion: Anubi
Religion: Anubi
| Menge | Preis |
Lesser Altar of Anubi (72280969)
| 1 | |
High Altar of Anubi (722809679) | 1 | |
17 Sonstige Kulte
Sonstige Kulte
| Menge | Preis |
High Altars of Demons (72280968)
| 1 | |
High Altar of The Void (72280965)
| 1 | |